Contribution to the volume “Tomás Sareceno. AnarcoAracnoAnacroArcano”

The Fondazione Candido Speroni e Carla Fendi Speroni participated with its own contribution to the volume edited by Paolo Falcone Tomás Sareceno. AnarcoAracnoAnacroArcano created following the exhibition at the Monumental Area of Neapolis, Syracuse from 29 July 2021 to 30 January 2022, of which Paolo Falcone was also the curator.

The book, promoted and co-produced by Civita Sicilia in collaboration with Studio Tomás Saraceno and with the contribution of the Fondazione Falcone per le Arti e le Culture del XXI secolo (“Falcone Foundation for 21st Century Arts and Cultures”), is published by the publishing house Electa.

The book is an extraordinary narrative by Saraceno that relates the great ecological and humanist crises to Greek and Roman mythology, where spiders and webs, a distinctive sign of the artist’s poetics, are expressed in multiple actions, works, performances, research and studies, texts and philosophical theories, making it a unique and original editorial product. The book, in Italian and English, is the result of a project created by the artist for the fascinating setting of the Neapolis of Syracuse, and features important contributions from scholars, writers and philosophers.