Support to the Accademia di Santa Cecilia

The Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia stands out among the many institutions supported by the Fondazione Candido Speroni and Carla Fendi Speroni.

Candido Speroni’s passion for music was inspired by his father, Dr Osvaldo Speroni, a man of refined culture, a graduate of the Conservatory with a piano diploma signed by Pietro Mascagni.

In the 2015–2016 season, a new work by Fabio Nieder was presented, entitled Danza lenta di C.S. fra gli specchi, specially commissioned by the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia to commemorate the figure of Candido Speroni (in the title quoted with C and S punctuation).

Speech by Carla Fendi Auditorium di Santa Cecilia, November 2015, Rome

Friends, friends who are all very dear to me: because this is how I feel about you, linked as you are to the deepest intimacy of my heart. Thank you, friends, for being here, with me, and for the touching looks I see in your faces, full of tenderness and solidarity. I feel surrounded by the affection of all of you on this beautiful and meaningful evening. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Our lives are intertwined, and this is the most precious fruit of such a treasure: to be able to recognise in the face of a friend the full correspondence of one’s feelings.

We are here for the love of a friend. But also for the love of beauty

But Candido has also succeeded in making us feel like we are members of a single family, each of us sharing the feelings of the others. Which makes us feel united, close. Able to share our emotions and hardships.

Many thanks to the Accademia di Santa Cecilia for the privilege. To its President Maestro Michele Dall’Ongaro and Honorary President Maestro Bruno Cagli. Many thanks to Maestro Antonio Pappano and Maestro Fabio Nieder. Who, together with all of you, have made possible an evening such as the one I am privileged to experience. With you and together with you.

Carla Fendi